Exemplary sustainability: the Dutch company Plospan leads the way

Plospan-NL-2016The Dutch company Plospan has become a pioneer in environment protection: the company which focuses on sustainability has been producing its own solar power since 3 June. The PV system is in the province of Gelderland and, with 9,240 modules and 2.4 megawatts, is the world’s largest roof system supplied by IBC SOLAR that is used for self-consumption. This makes the system the largest PV installation in the province of Gelderland – a major step forward for the sustainable use of natural resources.

Plospan is completely committed to environment protection: the family-run company now in its fourth generation recycles wood waste into environmentally friendly pellets and litter for horses, small livestock and household pets. The use of solar power for self-consumption therefore fits well into the sustainable business concept and saves Plospan money. The business has around 70 employees and uses the power for its production facilities where it now supplies the machines at the factory and logistics with environmentally friendly energy. This reduces electricity costs significantly, meaning that the investment in the PV system will likely pay for itself after ten years.  The PV system produces around 25 percent more power than Plospan consumes. The excess is fed into the public power grid. this amount of energy is sufficient to supply 145 households with power for an entire year. Our Dutch regional subsidiary IBC Solar B.V. was responsible for the technical development and construction of the photovoltaic power plant. The local IBC SOLAR Premium Partner Xperal carried out the installation.

The use of commercial self-consumption has been on the up for some time in the Netherlands. The Dutch are also pioneers in the private sector: the self-consumption of PV power is widespread thanks to a simple solution with just one electricity meter which counts backwards in the case of self-consumption.


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